Thursday, October 29, 2015

End of Matter and Measurement

Today we took the final quiz on matter and measurement. There were a lot of density and conversion questions. The questions were easy to make a mistake on and required a lot of attention to make sure they were completed correctly.

Here are a few more helpful links:

Common conversions

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Matter and Measurement Quiz

I believe that the quiz was rather easy. There were just a few questions I was not sure on, such as the significant figure problems.

Here's some links to help with matter and measurement:

Significant Figures Video
Significant Figures Rules
Accuracy versus Precision
Converting Units

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Mole Day

To celebrate mole day our chemistry class had a party. We also all made a mole with a theme. I think the moles were very creative and one of my favorites was the mole dancer.

Pre-Test Thoughts

I believe that the pre-test was semi-difficult. I recognized hetero- as being different and homo- as being the same from biology last year. Although I did recognize these words I did not know which zeros were considered significant. Overall I did not know much on the test.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Final Unit Test Thoughts

I believe the test was fairly easy. There were only a few questions a wasn't sure about, but over all the half-life and average mass questions were not too difficult.

Dating- Radioactive Style Lab

This lab was used to demonstrate how half life works. In the lab there were 567 pieces of paper that were double sided, one side color and one side white. In order to represent half life my partner and I shook up the paper pieces and dumped them out separating the ones that landed on the color side form the ones that did not. We then counted the colored pieces which represented the amount that decayed and repeated the process.

Uses of Radioactive Dating
 Radioactive Dating