Frontier Chemistry Project

       This blog can be used to identify local flora that can be used medicinally. The flora come from eastern deciduous forests and tall grass prairies. The flora can treat things from a toothache to a broken bone.

      It is important to identify plants and roots correctly because some plants maybe poisonous. Also if the plant/root is not identified correctly it may cause more ailments and it might not have any medicinal uses.

      It would be prudent to know plants from other regions in case you are injured in an unfamiliar area. In this case you will be able to identify plants in the region you are in that can help cure your ailments.

     Seasons do affect the availability of plants at different times of the years. It would make a significant difference if you were injured in winter opposed to the summer because many plants die off in the winter. It is important to know plants that live in each season that can help treat any ailments.

     As a scientist it is important to create relationships with the local people about their plants because you can learn more about the plants. Also you can learn how the locals use their plants for medicinal purposes and you can learn if any plants cannot be touched or bothered.

    I would trust the use of local flora to treat many ailments. Plants can be used to safely and naturally cure many ailments that traditional medicine can heal.

Poison Ivy
Food Poisoning
Sore Throat
Bear Attack (large flesh wounds)
Fungus Infection
Knife Cut
Burns from Fire
Axe Wound
Gunshot Wound
Deep Puncture Wound
Tick Bite
Burns from oil
Sprained Ankle/Wrist
Broken Bone
Rope Burn
Flea Bites

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