Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Double Replacement

Double replacement reactions occur when both chemicals are ionic. When a double replacement reaction occurs the first element of each chemical switches, one of the products therefore should produce a solid. After the reaction takes place the equation then has to be balanced by adding coefficients where necessary.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Post Exam Thoughts

After the exam yesterday I am unsure of how I did. Some of the questions were rather easy and I figured them out quickly. Other problems on the other hand weren't as easy and required the memorization of certain polyatomics.

Little encouragement for those of us who don't think we did well on this exam.

A few more helpful links-
Mass Percent
Converting Moles Video
More About Empirical Formulas

Monday, November 16, 2015

Some Helpful Links...

Mole Conversions
Molecules to Moles
Empirical Formula

Hydrate Lab

Although me and my partner did not participate in this lab, the lab was used to determine the chemical formula of CuSO4*nH2O. In order to do this a Bunsen burner was used to heat up and remove the excess water. Through calculations the final answer for n could be found. Kelly and her partner were able to do the lab and she is featured in this picture, thank you Kelly!

Chloride Lab

In this lab my partner and I had to determine the chemical formula of zinc chloride. In order to do this we had to heat HCl and zinc until all water was evaporated. Using the data collected we did several calculations we got a number close to the correct formula which is ZnCl

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Converting Grams to Moles Lab

In lab we practiced converting moles to grams. In order to do this we had to take one mole and divide it by the atomic mass of the object. A helpful tool in completing this task was the mole road map which we will soon have to memorize for the test.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Last Meal Party

In chemistry today everyone brought in a dish from their last meal conversion project. The project was to help us understand how to convert measurements from one unit to another. The project was fun and helpful in reinforcing what we learned over the unit.