Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Finally Took My Quiz

After being absent the days before Thanksgiving I finally made up my quiz. I don't believe it was too difficult. The hardest part for me was correctly balancing all of the equations and getting the correct sum of coefficients.


  1. Hopefully you did great! I too didn't think it was all that difficult, but I had to go back three or four times to check my work on the equation balancing as well.

  2. The quiz wasn't horrible, however reading the questions is very important, considering missing one or two key words could easily cause you to miss the problem (hint hint, might have just happened to me).

  3. Yea I agree with Riley. The quiz wasn't horrible. I did alright, but even if you miss one question it is already like a 90% so you had to be cautious. That was the only catch about the quiz.
