Sunday, May 8, 2016


We had the quiz last Thursday and I didn't think it was too difficult.  I hope that the test goes well and that I don't mix up any of the gas laws. To study I will continue to do the practice test and read the book.


  1. I think that hardest part too is just memorizing the gas laws. If it helps, I like to set up the full equation (PV/nT) and then cross out the things that stay constant. That way, I don't have to memorize everything. Hope this helps!

  2. Thanks for the links. They were very helpful. The quiz I thought wasn't too difficult.

  3. I don't think that the quiz was too bad, also worried about mixing up the laws... study study study I guess. Maybe we have some way to memorize them...?

  4. Like Ganon said above, it's really easy if you start with the full formula, then cross off the constants. I thought that the hardest part was remembering the conversions to atmosphere and remembering to work in Kelvin, not Celsius. I missed one of the problems because of that mistake.
